D1+D2 System Categorisation & Database of installations

Categorization and applications of large solar heating and cooling systems
Categorization and applications of large solar heating and cooling systems
December 2014 - PDF 0.23MB
The large solar thermal systems can be categorized according to applications.
Categorization and applications of large solar heating and cooling systems
Categorization and applications of large solar heating and cooling systems
December 2014 - PDF 1.43MB
Solar thermal systems use free energy from the sun (solar radiation) to heat water in a first instance. The solar radiation which is received on the earth plane is called "global radiation", which is made up of direct and diffuse radiation. Depending on the type of collector, in addition to the direct radiation it is also possible to use the diffuse radiation. The generated heat can be used for different applications and combinations of applications. In the TASK 45 the following classification will be used: 1. General Heating (GH) 2. General Cooling (GC) 3. Process Heating (PH) 4. Process Cooling (PC) 5. Water Heating (WH) 6. Swimming Pool Heating (SH) 7. Relevant Combination (GH & GC)
Applications of Large Solar Thermal Systems
Applications of Large Solar Thermal Systems
May 2013 - PDF 1.01MB

Solar thermal systems use free energy from the sun (solar radiation) to produce useful heat in a first instance. The solar radiation which is received on the earth plane is called "global radiation", which is made up of direct and diffuse radiation. Depending on the type of collector, in addition to the direct radiation it is also possible to use the diffuse radiation.

Market Overview
Market Overview
May 2013 - PDF 0.69MB

Within the TASK45 Program, data from worldwide Large Scale Solar Thermal Plants were collected and summarized in Subtask C. This provides a market overview, reflects the market´s development within the last 30 years and shows opportunities for further growth and country specific potential for implementing Large Scale Solar Thermal Plants.

Database of Large Solar Systems (detailed)
April 2013
A database with detailed descriptions of large systems from all over the world has been established within Task 45. The systems are listed in categories as defined in the T45.C.1 fact sheets.