General Task Publications

Integration of Large-Scale Solar Heating and Cooling Systems into District Heating and Cooling Networks
Integration of Large-Scale Solar Heating and Cooling Systems into District Heating and Cooling Networks
Technology Position Paper
June 2021 - PDF 0.34MB

This position paper explains the relevance, potential and current status of large-scale solar thermal heating and cooling systems, including large-scale heat pumps and seasonal storages, leading to actions needed to further and best exploit their integration in district heating and cooling networks. It addresses policy and decision-makers as well as influencers and aims to present high-level information as a basis for uptake and further development.

Annual Report 2020
Annual Report 2020
March 2021 - PDF 0.31MB

IEA SHC Task 55 elaborates on technical and economic requirements for the commercial market introduction of solar district heating and cooling systems in a broad range of countries. The Task activities aim to improve technological and market know-how, as well as to develop tools for the network integration of solar thermal systems and the implementation of other renewable energy technologies for maximum energy coverage. A key element is the direct cooperation of SDH experts with associations, companies, and institutions from the DHC community to bridge the gap between the research fields and organizations.

Solar Heat for Cities: The Sustainable Solution for District Heating - Turkish
Solar Heat for Cities: The Sustainable Solution for District Heating - Turkish
January 2021 - PDF 11.12MB
Editor: Bärbel Epp

The brochure contains very useful info charts and general information about large scale SDH as well as several case studies of SDH installations in Denmark, China, Serbia, Austria, France, Latvia and Germany, translated into Turkish.

Solar District Heating Perspective in Austria
Solar District Heating Perspective in Austria
Evolution of the Austrian district heating sector and the role of solar thermal energy: scenarios for 2030
November 2020 - PDF 0.28MB

Austrian district heating (DH) has experienced a fast increasing trend for the last 30 years (with the exception of the period 2010-2014), resulting in a triplication of delivered heat; in the year 2018, with about 2400 networks and 20 TWh supply, DH covered 6.4% of the final energy consumption (1122.5 PJ). Worth to underline is also that this growth of Austrian district heating has been about twice faster than the one of the energy demand in the same period. Currently, district heating provides about 26% of the Austrian households with the energy requested for space heating and domestic hot water preparation.

A.2.1 - The future of DH and the role of solar thermal energy
A.2.1 - The future of DH and the role of solar thermal energy
October 2020 - PDF 0.7MB

Solar thermal (ST) energy is one of the few renewable heat sources that is available almost everywhere and can bring multiple benefits to district heating and cooling (DHC) networks (on an environmental and systemic level) with very low operation costs and risks. However, the current share of ST in DHC networks is almost zero on a global scale.

Large Scale Solar Thermal District Heating Systems in Leading Countries APEN
Large Scale Solar Thermal District Heating Systems in Leading Countries APEN
A review and comparative study of Denmark, China, Germany and Austria
July 2020 - PDF 9.85MB
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2019
March 2020 - PDF 0.35MB

IEA SHC Task 55 elaborates on technical and economic requirements for the commercial market introduction of solar district heating and cooling systems in a broad range of countries. The Task activities aim to improve technological and market know-how, as well as to develop tools for the network integration of solar thermal systems and the implementation of other renewable energy technologies for maximum energy coverage. A key element is the direct cooperation of SDH experts with associations, companies, and institutions from the DHC community to bridge the gap between the research fields and organizations.

Solar District Heating: Inspiration and Experiences from Denmark
Solar District Heating: Inspiration and Experiences from Denmark
November 2019 - PDF 1.82MB
Publisher: IEA SHC TASK 55

This document brings together some of the most important experiences from the inspiring development of solar district heating systems that have been seen in Denmark in the past years. The document is an adapted translations of “Solvarme – Inspirationskatalog” from February 2017, elaborated by PlanEnergi for the Danish District Heating Association. Some of the conditions and regulations described might be specific Danish. The main objective of this document is to inspire and qualify the district heating companies (board members as well as operating personnel) as well as representatives from municipalities with respect to the specific processes in the project development phases. This is not a proper guidance in the establishment of solar installations. More specific guidance can be found in IEA SHC Task 45 and Task 55 guidelines and fact sheets and in the Europeran SDH projects – see last section in the document. This document thus complements these guidelines with specific Danish experience. After summing up to the various protagonists follow descriptions of six specific Danish solar district heating plants – and some experiences gained here.

Solar Heat for Cities: The Sustainable Solution for District Heating
Solar Heat for Cities: The Sustainable Solution for District Heating
November 2019 - PDF 4.09MB
Editor: Bärbel Epp

The brochure contains very useful info charts and general information about large scale SDH as well as several case studies of SDH installations in Denmark, China, Serbia, Austria, France, Latvia and Germany.


UK Solar Academy On-site Training on Solar Heat Networks Report
UK Solar Academy On-site Training on Solar Heat Networks Report
March 2019 - PDF 1.56MB
Over the next three years, the UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) are investing £320m of capital funding into heat networks via the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP). Heat networks have the potential to substantially contribute to the UK’s ambition to decarbonise heat, however only if the source of heat for the network is low carbon.
One of the most effective ways of decarbonising a heat network is to use solar heat and we invited to the UK two National Experts from the IEA SHC Task 55 (Towards the Integration of Large SHC Systems into District Heating and Cooling (DHC) Networks) to speak on Solar Heat Networks. They were Jan Erik Nielsen from the renewable energy planning specialist PlanEnergi (Denmark) and Christian Holter from the solar engineering company SOLID (Austria). We also invited three UK experts to speak: Grant Feasey from the solar collector manufacturing company AES Solar; Renaldi Renaldi from Newcastle University; and Edmund Papworth from the small-scale heat network company, Minus 7. 
The details of the Solar Academy event were as follows: 
• Title: Solar Heat Networks: Policy, Planning, Design and Performance 
• Time: Friday 8th March 2019 09:30–17:00 
• Location: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Conference Centre, London 
A copy of the agenda can be found on page 3. The following topics were discussed: 
• Introduction to Solar Heat Networks 
• Integration of Solar into Heat Networks 
• Integration of Seasonal Heat Storage into Heat Networks 
• ESCO Models and System Performance 


Report of Solar Academy Onsite Training Course: Solar District Heating Systems
Report of Solar Academy Onsite Training Course: Solar District Heating Systems
November 2018 - PDF 0.86MB
By the opportunity of Task 55 expert meeting held in China, Chinese country member of SHC applies for an onsite training course and approved by SHC Solar Academy. In Oct.31th to Nov. 1st, onsite training course Solar District Heating System was finished successfully in Lianyungang under the organization of China Academy of Building Research (CABR) and Jiangsu Sunrain Solar Energy Co.,Ltd. 
Joined Workshop SHC Task 55 & DHC Annex TS2  10th of April 2018, in Graz, Austria
Joined Workshop SHC Task 55 & DHC Annex TS2 10th of April 2018, in Graz, Austria
June 2018 - PDF 0.07MB

The programs of Solar Heating and cooling (SHC) as well as District Heating and Cooling (DHC) belong to the 5 main technology collaboration programmes (TCP) of the IEA (International Energy Agency). SHC was among the first programmes of the IEA established in 1977. Its goal is to promote the use of all aspects of solar thermal energy.

IEA SHC Task 55 Trends in April 2018
IEA SHC Task 55 Trends in April 2018
April 2018 - PDF 0.12MB
Publisher: Operating Agent

The 4th Task 55 Expert Meeting, the SHD DHC Joined Workshop and lates project results are highlihted within the Task 55 Trends Statement in April 2018.