Case Stories

Criteria for Decisions in the Design Process
PDF 0.26MB
This internal working document evaluates the case story descriptions of over thirty building projects. The conclusions drawn are input for the development of the IDP methods and tools that were developed by SHCP Task 23.
Description of Case Stories
PDF 0.22MB
This technical report provides detailed information about over 20 buildings and the way they were developed (with a focus on the design process). These building projects were part of the background information used by Task 23 members to develop IDP methods and tools.
Examples of Integrated Design - Five Low Energy Buildings Created Through Integrated Design
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This booklet describes five selected high-performance projects (from the technical report 'Description of Case Stories').
The Integrated Design Process in Practice - Demonstration Projects Evaluated
PDF 3.36MB
This booklet provides examples of design processes in which some of the Task 23 methods and tools have been used to support the design process. Both the process and the experiences of the actors involved are described.